Hello Art Lovers,
In this post, I am sharing with you The ultimate guide on how to make Husking Flowers.
I am doing quilling for almost a decade now but, somehow I never tried the husking method of creating beautiful flowers. I am wondering why?
The reason may be this, a decade back when paper quilling was not very popular in India, hence no tools were available or were expensive. At that time, to make husking flowers, a lot of pins with head, corkboard, and graph paper was required. For me, it was a lot of work, and being a super lazy person, I was scared to do it.
So, a few months back, out of curiosity I purchased the husking board.
If you are wondering what is a husking board, it's a small pegboard with 20 pins and a container to keep those pins.
One pin is having a slot and the rest are normal pins. There are few boards which doesn't come with the container and hence I wont recommend them as it will be difficult to take care of the pins otherwise.
For Quilling Supplies: Check here

So, to make flowers, you have to make arrangement using these pins and then making pattern with the strips along these pins, you will be able to make the petals of different designs.
Let me show you some husking flowers.

So, here in the above two images, I am showing you 8 different types of flowers using just the board and pins. Isn't it amazing?
If you want to learn how to make these flowers in details,
Here are the videos:
I hope you will enjoy these videos.
If you make something after watching these videos, I will love to see your versions of these flowers. Do share them in a new post here.